Tuesday, March 29, 2011

An advantage of using Sketchup


Why Sketchup ?
The biggest advantage :  it's free .
You can also extend it's capabilities using multiple Ruby scripts .
From a point of view of a model designer, RHINO has 2 very interesting functions . One is developing of surfaces , and as a bonus Rhino can also develop a lines and curves that are on those surfaces . Second function is a possibility to project curves onto a surface .

How does it look in Sketchup  ?
Surface and an element to project
Here we have an surface with an element we want to project .


Pushed / pulled surface
We push / pull this element , and then make an intersection between those two .

Result of intersection
We erase pulled element and on our surface we get projected shape .

In sketchup all the curves are represented as a set of lines or a polyline . At first it can look as an disadvantage , but is it so ?
On a picture abowe all the points  (ends of lines) ar bolded . How can we use it ? We can calculate a distance between every point an 2 points of a triangle , and use our algorythm to find this point on a developed surface.
Points inside triangle

To be continued . . .

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