Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Designing card scale model


Designing a scale card model in 3D can be divided into 6 stages.
  1. Collecting information about Your model.
  2. Modelling in 3D
  3. Unrolling parts
  4. Graphical design (color)
  5. Test assembly
  6. Eventually corrections.
Stage 1 doesn't need more explanations, but the better references can You get the better.
Stage 2 Is modelling in 3d in a way that it would be possible to unroll all the parts without too much deformations. Most commonly used software for this task is RHINO, because it has a an inbuilt unrolling function, so it is possible do do stages 2 and 3 in one software.
Stage 4 is exporting unrolled parts to a graphic software ( most commonly used is COREL), where You can add additional elements as lines, camo end markings etc.
Stage 5 is a big test if it is possiblle to put it all together .
If not, then in stage 6 You can adjust Your design , that means remodelling or changing Your model (see stage 2) .

RHINO and COREL have one major drawback : PRICE .

And there is an idea for this blog - is it possible do do it with a freeware software ?

To be continued . . .

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